Main Page
Welcome to the CSUN AS wiki. On this site you will be able to access all AS Codes, Policies and Resolutions.
Available Codes:
Annual End of Year Celebration
Attorney General
Chair Compensation
Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Chair of Elections
Chair of Finance
Chair of Legislative Affairs
Chair of Personnel and Communications
Chief Justice
Chief of Staff
Code on Finance
Code of Conduct
Communications Committee
Council of Chairs
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Elections (Committee)
External Affairs Committee
Internal Affairs Committee
Judicial Court
Lobby Corps
President & Vice President Stipends
Senate and Chair Stipends
Senate Standing Rules
Standing Committees
University Affairs Committee
Vice President
Available Resolutions
SB-2023-24-001: Opposition of the CSU Multi Year Tuition Proposal
SB-2023-24-002: Support 8:30 am Start Time for Classes
SB-2023-24-003: Student Employee Wages
SB-2023-24-004: Support California Legislation for the 2024 Cycle
SB-2023-24-005: Stars Credit EN-15: Trademark Licensing
SB-2023-24-006: Scantron Accessibility
SB-2022-23-001: Support and Justice for the Iranian People
SB-2021-22-001: AS Commitment to Diversifying CSUN Professors
SB-2021-22-002: Free Menstrual Products in CSUN Restrooms
SB-2021-22-003: Associated Students Fee Transparency Campaign
SB-2021-22-004: Eliminating Discrepancies & Attaching Syllabus to Online Course Description
SB-2021-22-005: Centralized Online Tutoring Information Website by College to Improve Resource Accessibility
SB-2021-22-006: Matador Discount Program
SB-2021-22-007: AS Support for the Country of Ukraine
SB-2021-22-008: Establish Religious Holiday Exemption Procedures
SB-2021-22-009: Continue Universal Free On-Campus COVID-19 Testing at CSUN
SB-2021-22-010: AS Establishment of Community Libraries in the University Village Apartments
SB-2021-22-011: AS Recommendation for Electric Bikes on Campus
SB-2021-22-012: Establishing and Creating a Veterans Memorial
SB-2021-22-013: Establish a Transfer Resource Center
SB-2021-22-014: Expanding Native Plant and Tree Species on Campus
SB-2021-22-015: To Include More Microwaves on Campus
SB-2021-22-016: Annual C.R.A.M.P.S. Event Hosted by AS Productions
SB-2020-21-001: Resolution Condemning the Murder of George Floyd and the Police Brutality Responsible
SB-2020-21-002: AS Positions on General Election Ballot Items, General Election 2020
SB-2020-21-003: Support to Create a Live Chat Feature for Financial Aid and Scholarships Department
SB-2020-21-004: 3% Annual Housing Increase
SB-2020-21-005: AS Response to Criminal Justice Reform Events
SB-2020-21-006: Condemning Anti Semitism
SB-2020-21-007: Condemning White Supremacy and Riot at the Capitol
SB-2020-21-008: Condemning the Rise of Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans
SB-2020-21-009: Support to Create a Fallen Matador Memorial Event
SB-2020-21-010: AB 396: CalFresh Expansion
SB-2020-21-011: Senate Meeting Native Land Acknowledgement
SB-2020-21-012: Chevron Oil Spill in San Francisco
SB-2020-21-013: Mental Health Wellness Campaign
SB-2019-20-001: Support for the Proposed North San Fernando Valley Bus Rapid Transit
SB-2019-20-002: Support for the Asian American Studies Pathways Project
SB-2019-20-003: Support to create a single career webpage to help CSUN recent graduates
SB-2019-20-004: Commitment to Enhance the Historical Record of AS
SB-2014-15-005: AS Annual Student and Staff Training (Dissolved)
SB-2019-20-006: Associated Students Support for AB 1460
SB-2019-20-007: AS Support for the Philippine Human Rights Act
SB-2005-06-009: To Denounce Violence Against Women and Children
SB-2018-19-001: Investigate AB931 – Criminal Procedure: Use of Force by Peace Officers
SB-2018-19-002: Create Awareness on Rohingya Refugees Fleeing to Bangladesh from Genocide in Myanmar (Burma)
SB-2018-19-003: Gender Recognition Act
SB-2018-19-004: Bathroom Door Handles
SB-2018-19-005: Food Sale
SB-2018-19-006: Investigate Prop 8 – Dialysis Clinics
SB-2018-19-007: Endorse Proposition 10: Rent Control
SB-2018-19-008: Endorse Proposition 12: Expand Live Space for Livestock
SB-2018-19-009: Call to Action and Blue Print to Increase College Graduation and Keep Our Economy Strong
SB-2018-19-010: Endorse SB-320 Abortion by Medication Techniques
SB-2018-19-011: Why Print It When You Can Email It?
SB-2018-19-012: ID’s that help!
SB-2018-19-013: No to Plastic Bags at Dining Locations on Campus
SB-2018-19-014: Tradition of the Rose
SB-2018-19-015: Statement of Support of HR 763: The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
SB-2018-19-016: LADOT DASH Bus Expansion
SB-2018-19-017: AS Emergency Preparedness Plan
SB-2018-19-018: Resolution for the Creation of the Sandra Abrams Commemorative Scholarship
SB-2018-19-019: Resolution for the Creation of the David Harry Crandall Commemorative Scholarship
SB-2018-19-020: Resolution for the Establishment of The David Harry Crandall Spirit Award
SB-2018-19-021: Transgender Individuals in the United States Military
SB-2018-19-022: Associated Students Sustainability Zero-Waste Initiative
SB-2018-19-023: Not On Our Campus
SB-2017-18-011: Resolution in Response to Councilmember Englander's Action Against California State University, Northridge, Associated Students, Inc., and Limebike
SB-2017-18-012: Support of Raising the Age Limit of Purchasing Firearms and Fixing NICS 4477, and Opposition to the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017
SB-2017-18-013: Project Rebound
SB-2017-18-014: AS Holocaust Remembrance Day
SB-2017-18-015: AS Genocide Remembrance Day
SB-2016-17-004: Associated Students Inc. Opposition to the Proposed 2018-2019 Tuition Increase (Revised)
SB-2014-15-010: AS Outreach to Local High Schools (Revised)