Chair of Elections

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This Code is established under Article VII and Article XV of the Bylaws of Associated Students, California State University, Northridge, Inc.

The Purpose of this Code shall be to define and outline the procedures governing the office of the Chair of the Associated Students Elections Committee.

This Code shall be effective when approved by a majority vote of the Associated Students Senate.

This Code may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the total voting membership of the Associated Students Senate.


A. Chair of Elections

1. The Chair of Elections shall be appointed by the A.S. President with the approval of the Senate.
2. The tenure of office for the Chair of Elections shall be one year, to be concurrent with the term of the President who appoints him/her. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chair of Elections, the A.S. President may issue a non-renewable 30 day appointment to fill the position. Should the office be vacated during the school year, the new appointee’s tenure of office shall end when the term of the A.S. President who appointed him/her ends.
3. The Chair of Elections shall be immediately responsible for the discharge of their duties to the A.S. President.
4. The Chair of Elections shall be a student in good standing as defined in Article V, Section I of the A.S. Constitution.
5. The Chair of Elections may not hold any other elected A.S. office nor be eligible for election to any A.S. office. They may not take part in any campaign for or against any candidate(s) or ballot issue(s) during their tenure in office, with the exception of the right to vote.
6. The Chair of Elections is advised by the A.S. Manager for Student Leadership, as well as a university-assigned advisor.

B. Assistant Chair of Elections

1. The Assistant Chair of Elections shall be appointed by the A.S. President with the approval of the A.S. Senate.
a. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chair of Elections, the Assistant Chair may be given a non-renewable 30-day appointment to fulfill that role while a search is conducted for a new Chair.
2. The tenure of office for the Assistant Chair of Elections shall be one year, to be concurrent with the A.S. President’s term of office who appoints them.
3. The Assistant Chair of Elections shall be directly responsible for the discharge of their duties to the A.S. Chair of Elections.
4. The Assistant Chair is advised by the A.S. Manager for Student Leadership.
5. The Assistant Chair of Elections may not hold any other elected A.S. office nor be eligible for election to any A.S. office. They may not take part in any campaign for or against any candidate(s) or ballot issue(s) during their tenure in office, with the exception of the right to vote.
6. The Assistant Chair of Elections shall be a student in good standing as defined in Article V, Section 1 of the A.S. Constitution.


A. Chair of Elections shall:

1. Serve as a member of the A.S. President’s Cabinet.
2. Serve as Chair of the A.S. Elections Committee.
3. Be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Internal Affairs Committee.
4. Administer the A.S. Elections, and ensure that all election publicity and campaigning be carried out pursuant to the rules, regulations, procedures and policies of this code and all codes relating to Elections, the A.S. Constitution, and those of the university.
5. Assist students in the process of applying for A.S. elections.
6. Work with advisor(s) to complete all requirements for the online voting system including ballot preparation, candidate statements and pictures, email alerts, requests for voter information and institutional research data.
7. Arrange for preparation of all elections materials including election packets, official publicity and marketing, etc. Ensure that appropriate materials disclose that applicable elected positions may receive a non-compensatory scholarship (stipend) as approved in the annual budget.
8. Preside over all complaints regarding elections conduct, violations of the A.S. Elections code, and/or applicable university policies and procedures.
9. Maintain documentation of all Elections Committee agendas and minutes, including those that address election irregularities.
10. Supervise voting and balloting during election days."
11. Arrange for the secure handling of all elections materials, including confidential information.
12. Arrange for, publicize and mediate all press conferences and presidential debates.
13. Coordinate requests for students needing special voting accommodations due to disability.
14. Coordinate the elections fine/sanctioning process.
15. Oversee the purchase, management and storage of all election-related supplies.
16. Have the power, through the Elections Committee process, to conduct a formal hearing on any candidate charged with violating any section of this code and all codes relating to Elections, the A.S. Constitution, and all related university policies and procedures.
17. Publicize and make available the guidelines and policies on campaigning, campaign publicity and posting relations pertinent to the elections process.
18. Publicize the elections schedule and all necessary filing information through the official student newspaper and the A.S. website, no later than the first day filing opens and run through the last day of elections. All applications should be available beginning the first day filing opens and runs through the last day of the elections period.
19. Be responsible for scheduling Elections Committee members to oversee various aspects of the elections process.
20. Preside over the mandatory candidate orientation meeting, which is scheduled for the purpose of distributing and explaining the various elections rules and processes to candidates.
21. Submit a summary report on every election to the Senate at the first meeting following the last day of voting. This report will include the voting results, and should be attached officially to the minutes for the Senate meeting at which the report is presented.
22. Submit the elections results to the Senate on the first meeting following the close of the elections.
a. These results, when submitted to the Senate, will constitute the “Official Election Results”, and be attached to the minutes of the meeting in which they are approved."
23. Submit a written evaluation and summary of the election to the Senate.
a. This summary should be submitted before the close of the Spring semester and attached to the minutes of the meeting.
24. Submit an evaluation report at the second A.S. meeting following the last day of voting. This report should be automatically referred to the A.S. Internal Affairs Committee for follow-up.
25. Be responsible for preparing and distributing the agenda, and distributing the minutes to the A.S. Elections Committee and other relevant stakeholders. – this should be the responsibility of the Assistant, in consultation with the Chair.
26. The responsibility of distributing meeting materials may be given to the Assistant Chair at the discretion of the Chair.

B. Assistant Chair of Elections shall:

1. Fill the role of the Chair of Elections in the absence of the Chair of Elections, and will carry out those duties as outlined in the Code on the Chair of Elections and all other codes relating to Elections.
2. Compile the minutes and submit them to the chair to be distributed with the following week’s agenda.
3. Ensure that permanent files of the minutes, election(s) results, and other historical information are kept by the A.S. Government Secretary.
4. Be responsible for the recruitment, training, supervision and payment of all street team members under the direction and supervision of the Chair of Elections.
5. Be responsible for distributing the agenda, and distributing the minutes to the A.S.Elections Committee and other relevant stakeholders.

The Chair of Elections shall, in the execution of their responsibilities, conform to and abide by the policies of:

  • The United States Constitution
  • The State of California
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Associated Students

All meetings called by the Chair of Elections shall be conducted according to parliamentary law as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

This Code shall supersede all Codes on the A.S. Chair of Elections passed prior to October 31, 2023.

Approved on: October 31, 2022 (16-0-0)
Amended on: November 21, 2022 (17-0-0)