Standing Committees

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This Code is established under the authority of Article VII and Article XV of the Bylaws of the Associated Students, California State University, Northridge, Inc.

The purpose of this Code shall be to outline and define responsibilities of the various A.S. Standing Committees.

This Code shall be effective when approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Associated Students Senate.

This Code may be amended by a majority of the total voting membership of the Associated Students Senate.


Membership in an A.S. Standing Committee shall consist of the following:

  • A Committee Chair, which shall be:
  1. A currently serving and academically qualified member of the A.S. Senate.
  2. A Senator, who shall be nominated and confirmed by a majority vote of the Standing Committee.
  • A Vice Chair, which shall be:
  1. A Senator, who shall be nominated and confirmed by a majority vote of the Standing Committee.
  • At least four additional A.S. Senators, which shall be:
  1. Currently serving and academically qualified members of the A.S. Senate
  2. Appointed by the A.S. President.
  3. One of these members should be appointed as the Vice Chair
  • Student-at-large members:
  1. One member-at-large member may sit on Associated Students Standing Committee
  2. Members-at-large will be voting members in committee.
  3. Members-at-large may be appointed by the A.S. President and approved by a 2/3rd vote of the Senate.


The responsibilities of each committee shall be as follows:

  • External Affairs: Investigating and recommending course of action on any affairs concerned with affairs external to the campus which affect the student body at CSU Northridge.
  • Internal Affairs: Reviewing, evaluating and providing feedback for all programs of the Associated Students; researching, reviewing and recommending the initiation of new programs or the dissolution of current programs, and to send reports on their findings to the A.S. Finance Committee to assist in their deliberations. The committee shall also formulate any document necessary for the efficient operation of the Associated Students. This committee will have the responsibility of drafting and revising any document of the Associated Students (i.e., codes, charters, constitutions, etc.).
  • University Affairs: Investigating and recommending courses of action to the Associated Students Senate regarding on any affairs concerning academics and university wide issues, which affect the student body of California State University, Northridge, or any portion thereof. The committee shall evaluate the University and Faculty Advisors of the Associated Students Senate.
  • Any additional Standing Committee created by the A.S. Senate should have their responsibilities listed here as they are created.


A.S. Standing Committees shall meet weekly during the regular semester. Their regular meeting times, dates and locations shall be posted publicly and on the web for public viewing.

  • Voting Members
1. Voting members (senators and member-at-large) are required to attend the full duration of all committee meetings.
2. Senators who have three unexcused absences or five absences total from committee assignments in one session will be considered as having vacated their seat; exceptions can be made by the Chair or Attorney General. Absences will be recorded in the minutes.
3. Failure to attend the entire committee meeting (which is to be understood as from initial roll call to final roll call) will be considered late. Two late arrivals will be considered the equivalent of one excused absence. Exceptions will be made by the Chair or Attorney General.
4. If a Senator is not present during initial roll call, they will be recorded as late. The Senator will have the right to vote and participate in discussion once recognized by the Chair.
5. Failure to attend a Senate-assigned committee meeting will be considered an absence.

The Standing Committees shall, in the execution of its responsibilities, uphold and policies of the:

  • The United States Constitution
  • The State of California
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Associated Students

The parliamentary authority for the Associated Students Standing Committees shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

This Code shall supersede all Codes on the A.S. Standing Committees passed prior to November 7. 2022.

Amended: September 30, 2019
Amended: November 7, 2022