Diversity and Inclusion Committee

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This Code is established under Article VIII, Section 3 of the Associated Students Constitution.


The purpose of this Code is to establish the office of the A.S. Diversity and Inclusion Committee and to outline and define the duties and responsibilities of the A.S. Diversity and Inclusion Committee.


This Code shall be effective when approved by a majority vote of the Associated Students Senate.


This Code may be amended by a majority of the total voting membership of the Senate.


A. The committee will have no more than ten (10) members, appointed by the A.S.
B. President and approved by a simple majority of the A.S. Senate.
C. Members serve one-year terms, to be concurrent with the A.S. President’s term of office.
D. Members are directly responsible for the discharge of their duties to the Chair of Diversity and Inclusion.
E. Members must be students in good standing as defined in Article V, Section 1 of the A.S. Constitution.
F. Membership of this committee will include:
i. The Chair
ii. A maximum of ten members
iii. One member of the AS Senate, to be nominated and appointed by the Senate and who serves through the duration of their current term in Senate.
iv. The Executive Director of the Associated Students.


A. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall be responsible for:
i. Providing help in designing, implementing, hosting, and evaluating the programs assigned to the committee.
ii. Under the guidance of the Chair, engage in discussions about ways AS could increase its effectiveness in dealing with issues of diversity and inclusion, which the Chair will bring to the President.
iii. Help develop the list of AS and campus resources, as well as innovative and effective ways to share/publicize/distribute that info.
iv. Participate in AS programming, and outreach related to diversity and inclusion issues.


A. The A.S. Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall meet weekly as decided by the Chair.
B. Committee members who miss more than three (3) meetings in a semester, or two meetings and a key event, will be considered as having vacated their spot on the committee.
C. Absence Policy
i. Excused absences
1. Excused absences are determined at the discretion of the Chair.
2. Committee members are responsible for providing the Chair with advance notice of excused absence.


The Internal Affairs Committee shall, in the execution of its responsibilities, uphold and policies of the:

  • The United States Constitution
  • The State of California
  • California State University, Northridge
  • Associated Students


The parliamentary authority for the Associated Students Internal Affairs Committee shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


This Code shall supersede all Codes on the AS Diversity and Inclusion Committee passed prior to November 7, 2022.

Approved on: November 7, 2023 (15-0-0)