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<big>'''ENABLING CAUSE:</big><br/>
<big>'''ENABLING CAUSE:</big><br/>
This Code shall supersede all Codes on the A.S. Chair of Communications prior to November 7, 2022.
This Code shall supersede all Codes on the A.S. Chair of Communications prior to October 3, 2022.
'''Approved on: October 11, 2021 (17-0-0)'''
'''Approved on: October 11, 2021 (17-0-0)'''
'''Approved on: October 3, 2022 (19-0-0)'''
'''Approved on: October 3, 2022 (19-0-0)'''

Revision as of 19:59, 23 November 2022


A. Chair of Communications:

i. The Chair of Communications shall be a student appointed by the A.S. President and confirmed by the Senate in a 2/3 majority vote.
ii. The Chair of Communications shall serve as an ex-officio member of the University Affairs Committee.
iii. The tenure of the office for the Chair of Communications shall be one year, to be concurrent with the term of the A.S. President who appointed the Chair of Communications. Should the office be vacated during the school year, the new appointee of the office shall serve for the remainder of the term.
iv. The Chair of Communications shall be responsible for the discharge of their duties to the A.S. President
v. The Chair of Communications shall be a student in good standing as defined in Article V, Section 1 of the A.S. Constitution and the Chancellor’s Office guidelines.

B. Communications Committee:

i. The committee will have no more than eight (8) members, appointed by the A.S. President and approved by a simple majority of the A.S. Senate.
ii. Members serve one-year terms, to be concurrent with the A.S. President’s term of office.
iii. Members are directly responsible for the discharge of their duties to the Chair of Communications.
iv. Members must be students in good standing as defined in Article V, Section 1 of the A.S. Constitution.


A. The voting membership of this committee shall consist of no more than eight (8) members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate

B. A vice-chair shall be appointed by the Chair of Communications and confirmed by a majority vote of the Communications Committee.

C. Membership of this committee will include

i. The Chair
ii. The Vice-Chair
iii. A maximum of eight members (including the vice-chair)
iv. AS Marketing Coordinator


A. The A.S. Communications Committee shall meet weekly as decided by the Chair.

B. Committee members who miss more than three (3) meetings in a semester, or two meetings and a key event, will be considered as having vacated their spot on the committee.

C. Absence Policy

i. Excused absences
ii. Excused absences are determined at the discretion of the Chair.
iii. Committee members are responsible for providing the Chair with advance notice of excused absence.


A. The Chair of Communications will, as a part of their duties:

i. Serve as AS Leadership liaison to AS Marketing
ii. Assist and advise AS Leadership in creating in-person and virtual town halls
iii. Work with Chair of Diversity and Inclusion to host a training/workshop for AS Leadership on how to run a meeting and how to communicate with their constituents
i. Including by not limited to: inclusive language, email etiquette, body language, media training, and attire
iv. Collect and review feedback from anonymous dropbox/comment box and respond as needed
v. Help create official AS Leadership press releases to the student body
vi. Create an annual AS survey to get student feedback on their biggest concerns
i. The survey should be conducted through AS Marketing & the AS Elections
vii. Create and develop AS Leadership marketing calendar
i. Including but not limited to: senate in a minute, annual budget, standing committee meeting times, all election materials, inauguration, end of the year celebration, Big Politics, town halls, campus conversations, AS Leadership Mixer, AS Leadership Semesterly lunch, any other AS Leadership related events, AS Leadership Mixer, and the AS Meet and Greet
ii. Organize semesterly lunch with the entire AS Leadership cohort
iii. Organize AS Leadership Mixer with the University President and cabinet at the beginning of the Fall semester
viii. Work with the Chair of Clubs and Organizations to receive feedback from student organizations and report back to MIC
ix. Provide Clubs and Organizations with information and resources provided by AS
x. Develop AS presentation for UNIV 100 courses
xi. Oversee and chair the Communications Committee
xii. Shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member the Internal Affairs Committee.

B. Vice-Chair Responsibilities

i. In the case the Chair cannot perform their duties, the vice-chair shall assume the duties of the Chair of Communications and will carry out the individual’s duties as outlined in the Codes on the Chair of Communications
ii. The vice-chair shall compile the minutes and submit them to the chair to be distributed with the following week’s agenda.

C. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for:

i. Being assigned to each college within CSUN
ii. Working closely with college senators on town halls and listen to feedback from students
iii. Creating new ways and forums to communicate with the student body

All meetings called by the Chair of Communications shall be conducted according to parliamentary law as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

This Code shall supersede all Codes on the A.S. Chair of Communications prior to October 3, 2022.

Approved on: October 11, 2021 (17-0-0)

Approved on: October 3, 2022 (19-0-0)